How do artists and designers use portfolios?

An artist’s portfolio is a collection of their best artwork intended to showcase an artist’s style or method of work. A portfolio is used by artists to show employers how versatile they can be by showing different samples of current and previous work.

The three major types of portfolio are:

  • Working Portfolios
  • Display Portfolios
  • Assessment Portfolios
  • Digital Portfolios


Working Portfolios= A working portfolio is so named because it is a project ‘in the works’ containing work in progress as well as finished samples of work. It serves as a holding tank for work that may be selected later for a more permanent assessment or display portfolio. A working portfolio is different from a work folder, which is simply a receptacle for all work, with no purpose to the collection. A working portfolio is an intentional collection of work guided by learning objectives.

Display Portfolios= Probably the most rewarding use of artist portfolios is the display of the artists’ best work, the work that makes them proud. Artists become most committed to the process when they experience the joy of exhibiting their best work and interpreting its meaning. Many educators who do not use portfolios for any other purpose engage their students in the creation of display portfolios. The pride and sense of accomplishment that students feel make the effort well worthwhile and contribute to a culture for learning in the classroom.

Assessment Portfolios= The primary function of an assessment portfolio is to document what a student has learned. The content of the curriculum, then, will determine what students select for their portfolios. Their reflective comments will focus on the extent to which they believe the portfolio entries demonstrate their mastery of the curriculum objectives. For example, if the curriculum specifies persuasive, narrative, and descriptive writing, an assessment portfolio should include examples of each type of writing. Similarly, if the curriculum calls for mathematical problem solving and mathematical communication, then the display portfolio will include entries documenting both problem solving and communication, possibly in the same entry.

Digital Portfolios= A digital portfolio is designed online, a bit like this blog. It allows artists and designers to exhibition their work online for everyone to see. Its a quick way to gain status as an artist and/or a designer. Its an easier way to showcase their artwork as they can apply for a job and simply send the link to their hoped to be employer. There are many websites that you can make an online portfolio on, for example: Blogspot, Tumblr, and Twitter.

In conclusion i have found that portfolios are important because it helps artists develop an understanding of what employers look for. It encourages them to constantly develop their skills. Different types of portfolios help artist and designers achieve different goals and targets they set themselves or that are set for them. Artists use portfolios to enhance their chances of getting jobs, and to show their skills.  It also helps the employers see the strength ans weaknesses of artists and designers, additionally it helps artists and designers see areas for improvement. Therefore i conclude portfolios helps artists and designers a lot, and they are important to them, and the employers.

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